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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sejarah Hexa computer

Sejarah Hexa computer

Berbekal pengalaman kerja sambilan dan panggilan sebagai teknisi elektronik (radio & tv) sejak duduk di bangku SMP - SMA dan bekal pengalaman kerja sebagai teknisi komputer di Simple computer ( 2002 - 2004) dan Easy computer ( 2004 - 2006) serta teknisi freelance di beberapa toko computer kebumen, karanganyar,gombong dan tambak dan juga sebagai teknisi lepas di warnet berlian.net dan saphir.net tepatnya hari senin, tanggal 24 September 2006 atau bersamaan awal puasa 1 Ramadhan 1428 H, Hexa computer resmi di buka.

Di kontrakan seluas 3x4 meter Hexa computer melayani

- Service : monitor (CRT), printer inkjet & dotmatrix, power supply ATX,cpu, cpu hardware & software
- Rental & ketik computer
- Installasi jaringan internet, warnet, LAN, hotspot.
- Jual beli computer baru dan bekas
- Jual beli Laptop baru dan bekas

Di awal berdirinya Hexa computer, konsumen pertama yang ikut memotivasi adalah SMEA Negeri karanganyar. Dari sekolah itu untuk pertama kalinya service monitor CRT sebanyak 10 unit.sehingga dari mulai awal bediri langsung sibuk dengan pekerjaan pekerjaan service.

Di tahun pertama, Hexa computer tergabung dalam organisasi ASOSIASI PENGGUNA DAN PENGUSAHA COMPUTER KEBUMEN (APKOMEN) dengan anggota aktif sampai saat ini sekitar 18 toko computer, warnet dan LPK sekabupaten kebumen. Organisasi ini adalah wadah komunikasi sesama pengguna dan pengusaha computer se kabupaten kebumen. Sehingga hexa computer yang terbilang masih muda bisa berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama dengan pengusaha – pengusaha computer yang telah berdiri lebih dahulu.

Dengan pengalaman yang lumayan banyak dan hasil kerja yang memuaskan selama 2 tahun pertama pelanggan Hexa computer merambah ke instansi-instansi pemerintah maupun swasta yaitu antara lain:
- Bank BRI cabang Gombong
- 20 Kantor Unit BRI di bawah BRI cabang Gombong
- Bank Mandiri KANCA gombong,
- Bank Mandiri KANCA kutoarjo
- Bank BNI cabang gombong
- BPR ikhsanul amal - gombong
- BMT AL-amin gombong
- PT. TRADHA contractor
- PT. Indopower gombong
- PT.Prestasi karangannyar
- PLN gombong
- Muncul Bursa motor Gombong
- Kantor kecamatan Gombong
- Polsek Gombong
- Polsek sempor
- Secata dodik gombng
- Rs. PKU muhammadiyah gombong
- Rs. Palang Biru gombong
- Stikes Muhammadiyah gombong
- SD negeri 1 gombong
- SD negeri 2 gombong
- SMP negeri 1 gombong
- SMP negeri 2 gombong
- SMP muhammadiyah gombong
- Dan masih banyak instansi dan sekolah di gombong dan sekitarnya

Hexa computer juga dikenal ahli installasi jaringan warnet dan internet.sehingga banyak pelanggan yang mempercayakan intallasi dan setting jaringan warnet kepada kami yaitu antara lain:
- Berlian.net (kebumen) – warnet broadband pertama di kebumen dengan OS linux (Open source)
- Saphir.net (gombong) – warnet broadband pertama di kota gombong dengan OS linux (Open source)
- Home.net - Kebumen
- Wahana.net – gombong
- Arya.net - wero
- Home.net – gombong
- F2.net – sempor
- Flazz.net – gombong
- Top.net – pejagoan
- Kabin.net - adimulyo
- Wikss.net – kemit
- Dan puluhan warnet yang tersebar di daerah Gombong,Karanganyar, Tambak, Kuwarasan,Ayah,Sempor.

Untuk mendukung Linux dan opensource, Hexa computer juga mengimplementasikan Linux desktop dan server antara lain:

1. SMEA negeri Karanganyar, tahun 2007
Implementasi linux terminal server project (LTSP) diskless.yaitu jaringan computer dengan 1 PC server LINUX terminal server (fedora) dan 22 unit pc client Pentium 1 tanpa hardisk / booting dari bootrom di Ethernet card

2. SMP negeri 1 Gombong, tahun 2008
Implementasi linux terminal server project (LTSP) deskless, yaitu jaringan computer dengan 1 PC server LINUX terminal server (fedora) dan 20 unit pc client Pentium 1 tanpa hardisk / booting dari bootrom di Ethernet card

3. Warnet Berlian.net dan Saphir.net
Penggunaan Linux Slackware sebagai gateway server dan Xandros OS (turunan dari debian) sebagai client warnet yang user friendly

Dan beberapa user rumahan dan instansi swasta dan public yang sampai sekarang masih menggunakan linux sebagai OS resminya (Kantor Pegadaian gombong dan Nusantara sakti motor )

Dengan peningkatan jumlah pelanggan dan perkembangan usaha,serta kebutuhan tempat yang lebih luas, Hexa computer mengakhiri kontrak di jalan kartini no.18 dan mulai 1 September 2009 sampai sekarang HEXA COMPUTER pindah ke alamat yang baru yang lebih strategis yaitu di Gang Giombong (UTARA SMPN 2 GOMBONG / 50 meter sebelah tiumur SDN 1 gombong) atau 100 meter dari alamat yang lama sekaligus sebagai tempat tinggal.

HEXA COMPUTER yang sekarang beralamat di Gg giombong ( timur SDN 1 gombong) semakin memantapkan usahanya yang sekarang bergerak di bidang computer dan mengkhusukan bidang usaha antara lain:
- Service Printer, CPU, dan Notebook hardware dan software
- Penjualan Cpu, Notebook dan periferal
- Installasi jaringan LAN dan WIFI
- Penjualan accessories computer yang lengkap.
Demikianlah sejarah singkat Hexa computer yang sampai sekarang masih eksis dan berpengalaman menangani ribuan computer Add to Cart View detail

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Windows 7 - Recovery of Corrupted Hard Drive in Case of MBR Corruption

Windows 7 - Recovery of Corrupted Hard Drive in Case of MBR Corruption

A Master Boot Record (MBR) is used to hold the primary partition table of the disk and also to boot the operating systems. It is the first program that is accessed when the system is started as the MBR contains the critical boot information such as how many partitions are there, which partition is the active partition, and so on. Due to its significance, corruption in the MBR can prove to be fatal for the hard disk. The corruption can happen due to virus infections, human errors, abrupt system shutdown, etc. In such cases, you should use appropriate methods to resolve the issue. However, if you are not able to address the situation then you should use a third-party hard drive recovery software to resolve the issue.

Consider a scenario wherein you have a Windows 7 system. When you switch it on, it fails to start as its Master Boot Record (MBR) has been corrupted. You then try to run the Startup Repair tool to fix the MBR. However, the tool shows that there are no problems.


The root cause for this problem is that there could be a flash drive inserted in the computer. Because of this, the computer hardware sometimes acknowledges it as the system partition. And the Startup Repair tool scans the flash drive in place of the original system partition on the hard disk. As there is no corrupted MBR on the flash drive, no problem is detected.


To resolve this issue, you should perform the following steps:

Eject the flash drive from the computer.

Insert the Windows 7 installation DVD in the disc drive.

Start the computer.

Press any key when there is a prompt to do so.

Select language, time, currency, keyboard, input method, etc.

Click Next.

Click the Repair your computer option.

Click the operating system that is to be repaired.

Click Next.

Click Command Prompt in the System Recovery Options dialog box.

Enter Bootrec.exe/fixmbr and press Enter. This command would fix the MBR issue.

However, if you still are not able to resolve the issue then you should use a third-party hard drive recovery software to recover the trapped data in the system. Such read-only tools are able to recover hard drive by employing fast yet sophisticated scanning algorithms without overwriting the original data.

Stellar Phoenix windows data recovery is a hard drive recovery software that enables you to recover the data from corrupted hard drives based on either FAT or NTFS file systems. It is also capable of recovering data from other storage media such as pen drives, iPods, external hard drives, etc. In addition, this Windows hard drive recovery tool is able to recover deleted emails from Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook. It is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP, and 2000.

The author is doing research work on data recovery software for hard drive recovery and also analyses how to perform windows 7 recovery

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robin_Watson

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4364864 Add to Cart View detail

Friday, July 15, 2011

Delete undeletable file or folder

How To Delete Undeletable Files and Folders

A little background on undeletable files and folders

I've seen these in the past regarding 'pubbed' FTP servers by software, game and movie users that find open FTP servers. They would upload their illegal software to the FTP servers they find, but they would name the files and the folder they create with extended characters and symbols that FTP supports but Windows does not directly support (ASCII characters), as well as create a very deep file structure with these extended unsupported ASCII characters, and/or file names with these characters that are greater than 256 characters. Windows directly supports ANSI characters. However, although Windows supports ASCII characters indirectly, it is not supported directly through the Windows Explorer GUI or the command line. Therefore this prevents admins from getting to them or deleting them, nor delete them. In the older NT4 days, you could install the POSIX support tools (to support UNIX based commands and using ASCII characters) to read and remove them, but that no longer applies with Windows 2000 and newer. However Windows still provides POSIX support but not directly. They can be deleted by using specific commands, but you just have to know the commands!

Also, if it was an FTP created folder and files, and the size shows zero bytes, yet you know it is much larger, then it's also likely the files are using an alternate data stream which would explain why their file size appears as zero bytes.

Is the drive NTFS?

So the other factor, as mentioned, is if the file, folder name, and/or number of child folders is greater than 256 characters. Many operating system limits are based on the i386 addressable 32bit architecture, such as the number of users that can access a share, which is 4.3 billion objects. It also depends on the drive and if an app can read it. Many programs also expect a limit of 256 objects (characters, paths, bytes, etc), maybe even the deltree command is limited, however NTFS formatted drives can go beyond the 256 objects.

Therefore, not being able to delete them is caused by the factors above, special or extended ASCII characters, trailing spaces, trailing dots (periods) or reserved names in the folders, such as com, lpt, etc, such as when a machine gets 'pubbed' into an FTP site where the 'pubsters' will create these deep paths and using reserved names to prevent the admin from deleting them. If you've found someone accidentally created such files or subfolders with these characters, it will give you headaches to remove them. With an FTP app it's easy to read and remove them, because FTP uses ASCII characters, such as what POSIX uses, however WIndows uses ANSI and cannot translate the folders. In this case, you can setup a local FTP service, then use an FTP app to connect to your own machine, then you wil be able to read and delete the files and folders. That is only one option, which many adminstrators are reluctant to do.

Removing folder examples:

Assuming the first folder is the numeral "1" on D drive (and use the quotes if you have problems and watch the required periods if the command uses it):

rm -r "//D/1"

RD \\.\c=D:\1

RmDir \\.\D:\1 /s /q

RmDir \\.\C:\YourFTP_ROOT's_PATH\COM1 /s /q

C:\>cd inetpub\ftproot
C:\Inetpub\ftproot>rd /s /q \\?\c:\inetpub\ftproot
NOTE - The syntax is literal, do not substitue or remove the question mark (?), change only the path.

Removing files examples

Note: In the following examples, if the filename contains symbollic, extended or other characters, enter what you can and wildcard the rest or use file completion or use a full wildcard.

DEL \\.\c:\somedir\filename.

DEL \\.\c:\somedir\lpt

DEL \\.\c:\somedir\aux

DEL \\.\c:\somedir\com


Read the following references for more information and instructions.

How to Remove Files with Reserved Names in Windows:

You cannot delete a file or a folder on an NTFS file system volume:

Cannot Delete Files or Folders with Extended Characters:

Here's how to create a locked folder with FTP:

Here's how to delete them:
How to Remove Files with Reserved Names in Windows
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/120716 Add to Cart View detail

Create and delete folder named : con aux nul com1 etc

Ok first of all this is one of the coolest prank you can play on your friends if they do not know anything about Windows Operating System !

Walk up to any of your friend and ask them to create a folder named CON or in fact you cannot create a folder named any of these keywords : CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9.

They simply won’t be able to, because Windows will not let you create a folder of any of the keywords mentioned above for a simple reason that these keywords are used by Windows internally and are reserved Keywords. CON was used for CONSOLE, PRN for PRINTER, AUX for AUXILIARY DEVICE, LPT’s for PARALLEL PORTS and such. Microsoft has taken this initiative to avoid any conflict that may arise as a result of using these keywords.

Now if you are wondering whether if you can create a folder named CON, AUX or any other reserved keyword, the answer is YES. There is an evil way to achieve this, but its definitely not advised, as this can create ambiguity. Try this at your own risk.

Here’s how you can achieve this.

1> Open the command prompt on your system by clicking on Start –> Run and then type cmd

2> When the command prompt opens, type md \\.\\”\CON”

Get the full path to your desktop and put it in between the double quotes where you have .

3> Hit Enter.

That’s it, now you’ll have a folder named CON on your desktop, now follow the same for all the other keywords !

You are done with creating the folder, now what ? Well you need to delete the folder you created. But try deleting it, you won’t be able to!! Surprised ? Well you had to be, but don’t worry, there is an easy way to delete this folder. To remove the folder you created, follow the steps:

1> Open the command prompt on your system by clicking on Start –> Run and then type cmd

2> When the command prompt opens, type rd \\.\\”\CON”

Get the full path to your desktop and put it in between the double quotes where you have .

3> Hit Enter.

How Can I Create Folder On Windows Named CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9

This will surely make you look like a geek in front of your friends ! Make sure your friends don’t see what you type in and they’ll assume you to be a computer whizz
sumber : Add to Cart View detail

"The file 'Asms' on Windows XP Professional CD-ROM is needed" error message when you install Windows XP

When you install Microsoft Windows XP, you may receive the following error message:
[Files Needed]

The file 'Asms' on Windows XP Professional CD-ROM is needed. Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK.
To resolve this issue, use the appropriate method for your computer.
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Hard disk formatted with FAT or FAT32 file system
If the hard disk is formatted with the FAT file system or with the FAT32 file system, follow these steps:

1. Use a Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) Startup disk with CD-ROM drivers to restart the computer.
2. Copy the Xcopy.exe tool from the Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM, the Windows Millennium Edition (Me) CD-ROM, or the hard disk to the Windows Startup disk. To do this, use the appropriate method.
Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM
Insert the Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM in the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then at the command prompt type the following lines, pressing ENTER after you type each line, where cd-rom is the drive letter of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive:
copy cd-rom:\win98\smartdrv.exe
copy cd-rom:\tools\oldmsdos\xcopy*.*
Windows Millennium Edition (Me) CD-ROM
Insert the Windows Millennium Edition (Me) CD-ROM in the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, at the command prompt type the following lines where cd-rom is the drive letter of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then press ENTER after you type each line:
copy cd-rom:\win9x\smartdrv.exe
extract cd-rom:\win9x\win_17.cab xcopy.exe /L c:\ xcopy.exe
extract cd-rom:\win9x\win_17.cab xcopy32.exe /L c:\ xcopy32.exe
extract cd-rom:\win9x\win_19.cab xcopy32.mod /L c:\ xcopy32.mod
Hard disk
At the command prompt, type the following lines where drive is the drive letter of the hard disk where Windows is installed, and then press ENTER after you type each line:
copy drive:\windows\smartdrv.*
copy drive:\windows\xcopy*.*
3. Eject the Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition (Me) CD-ROM, and then insert the Windows XP Professional CD-ROM.
4. Copy the I386 folder and all its subfolders to the hard disk. To do this, type the following lines at the command prompt where cd-rom is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive, and drive is the drive letter of the hard disk, and then press ENTER after you type each line:
xcopy cd-rom:\i386 drive:\i386 /e
5. Restart the computer, and then start the Setup program again.
6. When you receive the error message, click Browse, and then type the path of the I386 folder on the hard disk.

Note You may be prompted several times for the location of this folder. If Browse is not available, see the "Hard disk formatted with NTFS file system" section.

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Hard disk formatted with NTFS file system
If the hard disk is formatted with the NTFS file system and you are upgrading an earlier version of Windows, use one of the following methods.
Method 1
Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756/ ) How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

1. When you receive the error message, press SHIFT+F10 to start a command session.
2. Type regedit.exe, and then press ENTER.
4. On the File menu, click Load Hive, and then load %Windir%\System32\Config\System.sav.
5. When you are prompted to specify a name, type Test.
6. Locate and then click the following key:
7. Delete the UPPERFILTERS and LOWERFILTERS registry keys.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the other ControlSet# keys under the Test hive.
9. Click File, and then click Exit to quit Registry Editor.
10. If the path in the error message is the correct drive letter for the CD-ROM drive, click OK to continue the Setup program.
11. If you receive the error message again, the Setup program cannot correctly read from the CD-ROM drive, or the path information is incorrect. In this case, restart your computer and let the Setup program resume.

Method 2
If you cannot start Regedit.exe at the command prompt, and there is another available partition where you can install Windows on the hard disk, follow these steps:

1. Install Windows in the other partition.
2. Start the new installation of Windows, and then start Regedit.exe.
3. Follow the steps in method 1, but load the System.sav hive from the original Windows folder.

Method 3
If you are not using a retail Windows XP CD-ROM with a hologram (for example, if you are using a burned CD-ROM), try to run the Setup program from a retail CD-ROM with a hologram. To verify this, start the computer by using Recovery Console, and then check the C:\$win_nt$.~ls folder. Look for the Asms folder. If the folder is missing or the files that it contains are zero bytes, the CD-ROM was not burned correctly.

For additional information about how to use Recovery Console, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
307654 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307654/ ) HOW TO: Install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP Add to Cart View detail
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